Saturday, June 16, 2007

Seems Like We Just Met Only Yesterday!

The day we met it was love at first sight. Somehow her hair ribbon got stuck on my lapel flower. Oh well, it could have been worse. She could have stuck that stick in her hand up my nose or something.

Anyway, we started our love affair at a rather young age. She simply loved red bow ties and I was gone for flowers in her hair. It's hard to believe we've been together for 3 days now or has it been 37 years?

I can hardly believe she's almost 4 or is it 3 or is it 43? 53? - whatever? Anyway my cell phone is going off and I've got to check my email before going to bed so I'd better sign off for now. Sure hope she'll let me pull the wagon tomorrow at the park. Last time she was so upset with me for jumping in front of her on the swings that I was sure she wouldn't let me sit next to her on the big seat and drink out of my tippy cup first.

Oh I just realized the kids need to be picked up for their dentist appointment tomorrow after school and my boss is coming to dinner at seven ... or was I supposed to pick up my grand kids? Where has all the time gone?

Happy anniversary honey. It's been worth it all and more. Hey, fix that ribbon in your hair, I just hate when it gets stuck on my lapel.


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