Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fatal Attraction!

It was beautiful. It was scary. In my imagination it drew me to the edge. I almost couldn't help myself as I crawled past the guard rail to hang my head over the cliffs to see the ice crash against the rocks below. Life has so many beautiful scenes to offer - some scary - some dangerous!

Have you ever wondered why we are crazy dangerous at heart? Why do we tempt fate? It's almost like we can't help ourselves. What draws us to the edges of life? For some it's Everest, for others it's the ocean in a one man boat and for others it's some other unexplainable risk we take to feel alive.

That's it! We want to feel alive! What's the point of being alive if you're numb or asleep or worse yet bored? God is the most dangerous experience you'll ever know. We're talking God NOT religion or the study of God. The Creator is life, life pealed back to the raw nerve. No holds bared. Only the wild at heart dare venture near. Actually, it's a members only club - by invitation only!

Man for centuries has been trying to get in on his own. It's amazing to study world wide religions and the antics of frustrated men. Watching them generate their own fire and then worshipping the gods they invent. Sad, sick and sorrowful.

God, the real God - the ONLY God - has already chosen the players and the positions - it's up to us to let go and follow His lead instead of making our own way and then calling it divinity. What does that mean? It's simple. Jesus said it all in two words: FOLLOW ME!

Dare we let go of the controls and follow Him? Where's he going? He didn't hold anything back, He told us where He was going and even where He came from. He said, "I come from the Father and I am going back to the Father, but I will not leave you or forsake you - Follow Me - I'm going to prepare a place for YOU and if I go I will come again that you may be where I am".

To follow Jesus in this life is a fatal attraction! I can not go where He leads without Him. I can not be in the lead if I am to follow. I am out of control if He is leading and my life is no longer my own if I dare let Him lead. He only requires one thing in the final analysis: Let go of it all and trust Him in each moment of life.

One man put it so profoundly when he said, "the life I live is no longer my life, but the life I now live, I live by the energy force of God himself, and the faith I have is not in my faith alone, but my faith is now in the One who lives inside me."

Who lives INSIDE you besides you? I'll ask you again. Who lives in there with you? Are you alone? Alone seems safer, but it's not living - it's only existing. We were made to be a dwelling place for Deity. If I don't let Him in when I hear His voice I am forced to worship myself. How empty it soon becomes in here. How lonely. How sad to run out of time at the end of my life and know I have nowhere prepared for me to go - but to shrivel up inside of ME and die.

No wonder the thousands of martyrs through out time wouldn't recant as they burned them, stoned them, tortured them demanding they renounce this fatal attraction to this Jesus.
Fatal? Yes, He is dangerous. It costs everything to follow the dangerous One. But it's so worth it all. When you let Him come in - He stays. He takes over. He takes you places you never dreamed possible.

Boring? Not hardly. Dangerous? Sometimes. Would you ever go back to being dead in your self life once you've tasted His life coursing though your veins? NEVER!

Have you heard His voice yet? Do you dare seek HIM? He's calling, can you hear Him? Listen, I can hear it clearly now, "Come Home". We were designed to live dangerously, wildly, fulfilled as He lives out His life in and through us.

The Cross makes more sense when we realize it was a purchase. He was buying us back. Yes back! We were destined to be His from before time. Somehow we were derailed, ripped off, stolen from our OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture).

If you hear Him today, simply surrender! Real life, the one you were destined to live begins when you let your individual desires die to His ownership of you. Can you hear Him calling you home?


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