I woke up again at 4:45am this morning and realized I had been asleep for 9 years! I was again drawn to my study and turned on my computer and looked at an entry I had made long before blogs were even heard of.... here it is...
(October 4th 1998 at 2am I awoke to the electric power off - got up to pray - HE said write by the light of the moon - as I finished the power came back on)
The New Day
“That which has been shall be no more. Do not try to go back - instead press into Me! For I am winding up the ages - the day of my terrible wrath has come full circle upon the earth. Fear not for this is the day of your destiny! I am fully able to complete that which I have called you to accomplish in My day.
This is the day the Lord has made - the key is to rejoice and be glad in it - for the day will require much strength, so, rejoice - for the joy of the Lord shall be your strength.Call upon me while I may be found - for I am ready to close out the age.
The time is at hand - do not look back. Remember Lot’s wife!No man puts his hand to the plow and looks back in My kingdom. Only overcomers can come up here.I am serious! I am telling you the truth - do not look to the right hand nor to the left - do not lean on the arm of flesh or look for a king Saul. But, look unto Me - the Author and Finisher of your faith for I am able to keep you. I am able to show Myself strong on your behalf.
I am exacting judgement - this is the day the prophets have foretold - but you are able to stand in it IF you will stare at Me and not be distracted by the noisesilime pestilence and the arrow that flies by day.This is the time to enter into your closet - into the Secret Place of the Most High. This is the intimacy I have spoken so often to you about - you are called to me and now enter into the Ark of safety and let the ‘Door’ keep you safely inside as ‘I’ close in upon you.
Keep yourself with all diligence for there is no more time for games. Listen carefully to all I speak to your heart and obey to the letter - for my word in your heart and in your mouth will not only make the path safe for you; but, it will give light to those who are following you as you follow Me.Fear not - only believe and be very courageous - for the best is yet to come! My covenant is the key. I am good for My Word - be sure you are hearing My Words and walking in that Light.
Take time to refresh yourself in the Word and in the Spirit. Talk often one to another of My Love and confidence will build among My people.Do NOT look with fear upon all that I am allowing to come upon the earth - only look to Me and all will work together for good.The day of my vengeance will burn as an oven and none can escape it.
But you need fear nothing - for lo I am with you - even to the end of the age.So look up - for your redemption is drawing near - look up and see the fulfillment of the ages and all the prophets have ever spoken - for I am NOT slack concerning my Word and those who know Me will do exploits - for they shall usher in My kingdom with Me in great power and demonstration.
Rejoice! for you have been counted worthy to escape the things that are coming upon the whole world - and your escape is into my very presence - not a running away - but a going over.Even as in the days of Noah - so shall the days of the coming of the Son of man be - I will carry you, as an ark, through the floods of judgement - you shall overcome!Go through -FEAR NOT - we will exceedingly rejoice in the day of the Lord - for I am going to wreck havoc upon the enemy of my people - death, hell and the grave are ready to swallow up the princes of darkness and I, even I, will reign through you and the rest of My obedient sons.
For the manifestation of the sons of God is ready to redeem the earth and set the captives free from the prince of darkness.So now, look unto Me, rejoice and see the arm of the Lord extend in great victory.See Me for I AM all in all and none can stay My hand.
Yesterday is gone, and today is running out. God says, "but will you love me tomorrow..." It's time to wake up!"
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