Reality requires a rare flavor of humility. When I survey my past and present, I must admit that I have been carried and covered with a grace far beyond my accomplishments and abilities. Have you ever feared you would be found out to be who you know you really are? It's a shattering reality for anyone willing to look inside...but don't look too long or you may just cave into that black hole called self.
Most really don't want to be known by anyone that well!I have yet to know a real 'self made' man or woman. The few extraordinary individuals I have known were gifted, not better, merely gifted. What they ultimately did with those gifts was the real test of true character.
Most really don't want to be known by anyone that well!I have yet to know a real 'self made' man or woman. The few extraordinary individuals I have known were gifted, not better, merely gifted. What they ultimately did with those gifts was the real test of true character.
As my life unfolds and races to the end of the track I find a reality that is almost unbearable. I think I see a little clearer now, whereas in days gone by my vision was clouded with my own opinions and pride. Now, as my heroes are old and grey or gone I see that they were just mere men and women who honored their giftings or marketed them.
Those who recognized the Source of their greatness became humble and approachable. Those who believed their own press became difficult to live with after a while. The selfless became the true champions while the self-absorbed became abominable.
What are our gifts really for and why do we possess them? Are we supposed to possess them or give them away? It seems the real gifts are for giving not keeping. The real joys of life are always in the giving more than the receiving. We aren't taking anything with us when we leave, why not see how much we can give away before our time runs out?
Bill Gates seems to have found a joy money can't buy: Giving it away! He has done so well that Warren Buffet has entrusted Gates to steward his fortunes and give them away on his behalf. Could we all be racing to the top of a mountain that really doesn't exist?
Is true happiness really capsulized in the immortal words of Jesus Christ when He said, "Who ever will save His life, will loose it - but whoever looses His life for My sake will save his life."What if Gates and Buffet have discovered the secret of real life? What if Jesus told us the truth when He said, "Whoever helps the least of these my brothers and sisters, does it unto Me".
Could 2 of the richest men on earth be showing us how to move fortunes from this life to the next? Is this what true humility is about? Is giving ourself away the reality we're searching for?We won't ever know their true motives, but Jesus did say we would know a tree by it's fruit.
No one is going to earn ANYTHING from the God of heaven and earth, but I'm convinced He will honor those who honor Him by obeying His Word. What and WHO are you saving your life for these days, these short, fast moving days?
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