Never in the history of the world has there been a need to love and be loved like the day we live in. When referring to the lost generation, I'm not referring to the confused mass of my own 'ME' generation. No, I'm referring to the masses denied the right to experience their own birth – their life. The millions who were destined to love us in our old age, give us the joy of our middle years and teach us the beauty of a selfless life in our young adult years.
Instead, we served ourselves and lost an entire generation. Not all of us, but the rest of us didn't speak up, protest and stop the genocide. We didn't just lose many of the greatest minds the world had ever hoped to see; but, we lost, perhaps the cure to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease and who will ever know what else? We lost the breakthroughs God had planned to bless us with as we terminated and exterminated the greatest generation the world ever hoped to see: THE LOST GENERATION.
Yet there is good news to this sorrow. Sorrow to the many awakening to realize what a deception has been played on them - to give up the treasures of their life for convenience sake, or to hide the shame of a mistake or a passion. The good news is that each life, each precious life has been found and held dear for eternity to cradle and keep. The Creator looses none that are His, only we lose our greatest blessings - and yet their is a redemptive hope in even this greatest of sorrows.
If what Jesus said is true, and it is, then not even one sparrow falls to the ground unnoticed by the Heavenly Father. Then how can such a travesty happen to the innocent, unborn helpless life, pleading for their right to enter our troubled world, to be loved and protected by us?
When God gave the whole world to the first man, Adam, He put that first man in charge and told him to keep and care for the planet. But, that man chose to act independently of His God and ever since he traded THE God of heaven and earth for the god of this world system (with the hope of becoming his own god) man has fallen to depths to low to even speak.
But each man and each woman, for it takes both to make a new life, still has opportunity to acknowledge their own independent act of treason against their Creator and in so doing to change their mindset. The God of heaven is full of mercy and kindness and even though we must reap from our independent actions - we still have His forgiveness available if we are willing to ask Him for it.
The lost lives, perhaps as many as 40 million or more in the last 40 years, cry out before God Almighty Himself, asking Him to forgive us for allowing such selfishness and horrors to exist. God Himself put this loving forgiveness in the hearts of all children towards their own parents so we can find a way to forgive ourselves.
I can speak strong on this wretched topic because my wife and I almost gave in to the fears of what looked like a less than normal child being born to us - our forth child was ebbing away in what looked like a miscarriage. But then it passed the miscarriage point to likely be born with horrible handicaps. When asked if we wanted to terminate the pregnancy, we thought, perhaps that would be best. But we were ignorant of what 'terminating' a pregnancy actually meant. Fortunately, we mentioned this to our closest friends and they knew what 'terminating' meant and rocked us to reality saying, "how dare you!"
How dare we? How dare we what? Once we realized what the Planned Parenthood nurse was offering we were in shock! We were naive! ignorant! foolish! Today, that 4th child, our first son is a wonderful young man, husband and father. Thank God we were stopped before it was too late.
But what about those who were deceived and lost their opportunity to stop? More good news! God forgives and God has their babies with Him even now! Question is, 'can and will they forgive themselves and change their minds and trust their God for the peace and joy that only comes when one trusts the shed blood of the Savior to wash away all the guilt and pain of their sin?
Its not too late for anyone in this great land we call America. Its time America goes back on her knees and seeks the One, the only One, Who can save us and assure us that this lost generation has never left His sight.
Its really us in the final analysis who are lost, its our generation that has lost its way and our God. Our Creator is saying - "America, don't cover your sins, come home to Father, I'll forgive if you'll but acknowledge your sin, humble yourself and exchange your rebellion for trust - I love you America, return home while there still time for restoration."
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