Behavior! It’s all about behavior to God. The White Throne Judgment for sinners condemned to Hell, the Judgment Seat of Christ for the saints rewards:
Jesus said upon His return His main objective was to bring Rewards. He promises to reward everyone ACCORDING to their works. He warned us not to judge others lest we be judged. What or Who motivates YOUR Behavior?
Sowing and Reaping – good actions or bad actions – this law of return is based on behavior. What we DO! God offers us a new heart and a new spirit SO THAT WE CAN BEHAVE OURSELVES in a way that pleases Him. In a way that is acceptable to Him.The fruit of His Spirit in our lives all plays out in our behavior.
The fruit of our flesh in our lives also plays out in our behavior. It’s all about how we ACT. Jesus warned us. He taught us about a place called Hell. He warned us not to fear the one’s who could kill the body, rather we are to fear the One who can cast the body and soul into an eternal, never ending torment, a world without end: HELL.
As one so aptly stated, “Don’t Piss God Off”! Rather crude, but you can’t say you don’t get the message. Some fool said it’s all about the Hoky Poky – wrong! Pleasing God is what it’s ALL about. Thank God He is willing to work with us to bring us into the image of His Son, the Son who pleases Him because He only did and does God’s will.
We really need to get it straight: God does NOT owe any of us anything! That’s why we call Him GOD! We owe our Creator what ever He requires – or have Hell to Pay.Fact is God is LOVE!
What’s that? We have our opinions, but what is real love? Real love lays down its life for its ENEMIES. The Bible teaches us that while we were yet enemies God sent His own Son to die in our place so that we could be brought back into the a right relationship with our Creator. That's what He designed us for in the first place: RELATIONSHIP.
However, before we could do anything about any of this, back in the garden, our original father committed high treason against God for us! From this original act by our father Adam, the cancer of rebellion and SELF-will against our Creator spread through all of mankind. It required our Creator to DEMONSTRATE what true love was in order to buy back a corrupted human race.
We have not even got a clue what HOLY means! We somehow think it’s some kind of religious word. Some of us might even picture stained glass windows in a stone cathedral with strange off key chanting in the background by a bunch of depressed looking guys wearing white robes. But the opposite is true. The Bible says all of heaven REJOICES in His presence and commands the earth to do the same!
The Bible goes on to say God HUMBLES Himself to even look on the things of heaven and earth. Wow! We have no point of reference without a REVEALING from God himself enlightening our darkened mind. God has to bring light to our darkness or we continue to define black as white, defend evil as good and argue our opinions as truth.
Only God’s ways and words are truth. Our thoughts are lies without this HOLY light from His very Self showing us His pure Truth. Pure Truth is a Person. That Person is God Himself as shown in the face of His Son Jesus Christ.
Jesus came to earth to put an end to lies. He showed up to put a face on God. He came to BEHAVE before us and demonstrate how God expects us to live the life He has breathed into our bodies of clay.
Are we interested in changing our opinions? Can we consider there is a greater truth than our own?
The Bible teaches us that it’s appointed once for every man to die and then the JUDGMENT! Judgment is the measuring of you at the end of the road of life. It’s the accounting of our time on earth so we can receive our just dues, our reward.
For obedience to the demands of a Holy God it will be the reward of eternal life and pleasures forever more. For a life of SELF-WILL, self obedience and personal opinions it will be a reward of eternal punishments.
But that doesn’t seem fair. But who are You or I to judge God? Who are you or I to say to the Potter who formed us anything but “YES SIR”!
God knew we could not pull it off by our selves and yet He can not stop being God, Holy God. So in His LOVE He sent Jesus to solve the impossible for us.
Are we crazy? How dare we neglect so great an offer of salvation and still expect to escape the WRATH of an angry God? Why and who is He angry with? He is angry with those who REJECT His best offer to fix our failure - our failure is our trying to offer our best efforts to a Holy God. How did we do that? We rejected His Son’s blood to pay for our blood, His Son’s perfection to pay for our failure. We insulted his GIFT of Jesus blood and tried to be good without God, for God, better than God, on our own.
Thank God He IS true love. Thank God He already chose us BEFORE time ever began. Thank the only true God that He is HOLY and JUST. This Holy God, this JUST God spells His name L-O-V-E.
LOVE is unreasonable! Love is never subject to reason. Love is always right when it is God’s love. Love will send the rebel to a real fire and brimstone Hell. Love will do the right thing every time. Love will offer His only Son as a Paycheck to fully meet the demand for our judgment. Love already came and took our place on a cruel cross until the full payment for every man, woman, boy and girl’s requirement for missing God’s demand for behavior was fully paid. Love found a way to buy us back from our high treason. Love is Jesus Christ - the very FACE of God.
They call this Gospel the good news. It’s only good when we realize we are hopelessly doomed because of our behavior. Our behavior comes out of a heart that is hopelessly at odds with it’s own Creator. Without Someone taking our place and paying the price we could not and can not pay – there’s Hell to pay. Without Jesus as our Lord and King WE will pay the bill with our very soul and body.
GOOD NEWS: Because of Jesus’ behavior our bill is paid in full.
Question is: What are YOU and I going to do with Him? The answer is we’re going to CRY OUT NOW! "God please have mercy on me – you are right about everything and I am wrong about so many things! HELP ME NOW, I’M BLIND AND I AM LOST!" Will we humble our protected and highly esteemed SELF and accept His perfect Love TODAY?
[see Matthew Chapter 24 and 25 - Holy Bible, New Testament]
[see Matthew Chapter 24 and 25 - Holy Bible, New Testament]
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