Monday, June 18, 2007

Like a String Pulling You Up into the Sky

I woke up at 4:15 am again. Of course it was not all that surprising to be awake this early because a little after eight last night I snuck off to take a little rest for a few minutes in one of the spare bedrooms. Everyone was paired off and talking and I knew no one would miss me for a few minutes. Well our company has been long gone and as I try to straighten up, I feel stiff from lying down so long: but, I have no regrets. Those 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep left me more rested than I’ve felt in months.

As I sat my sore body down in my study, I heard this thought in the back of my mind, ‘just pretend there’s a string pulling you up into the sky’. So with out thinking, I straightened up my back and neck and aligned myself with the sky.

Suddenly I realized that was my mothers voice from my childhood. Mom’s been gone for 20 years, but her voice came back to serve me in my moment of need. How many times do we act out of our past? No doubt a lot more than we know.

Our belief systems seem to just float around in side but are they really just floating or are we on some kind of automatic pilot system that runs our lives more than we realize?

As I pondered I decided to fire up my lap-top and lay some thoughts down. I thought to myself, ‘I should talk to God for a while since I’m up early’. Now was that religious guilt or was that Godly inspiration? I wasn’t sure. Was this a part of my mothers input or was this a call past the sky to the heavens?

How free are we in our choices? Are we programmed from the past or are we freewheeling into our futures? What if Mom forgot to plant a thought or a belief into us? What if there was no Mom, or Dad or teacher to plant the seeds of our future? What would we reap? Where would our life aims be pointing us?

Of course nature and the universe have no voids. Someone or something has been programming each of us with every thought we think and every action we take. But is it accurate to the reality of life and eternity? That’s a question that comes to challenge me in a thousand different ways, in a million different flavors.

Is there really a free thinker among us? I doubt it. We’ve all been influenced by EVERYTHING. What if my input has placed me on the wrong road or leaned my ladder on the wrong wall? What if when life is over I’ve missed my destiny, my calling? What if I was deceived into wandering down the wrong path only to find I’d missed my purpose?

Purpose? "Come on don’t flatter yourself", you may say. Aren’t we just a speck of dust on the cosmic drawing board of time and space? Do we really think our few breaths and a couple million movements in time really matter in the light of eternity?

They better or else what’s the point of being here! What’s the point of living? Is it just to take up space, breath a while and leave? Are we no better than a moth that hatches in the morning and flutters throughout the millions of micro-seconds of one day only to fizzle out and die trying to escape the blackness of the night into the seemingly magic of a back porch light?

No! A thousand times no!Life without a purpose is more than pointless – it’s cruel. But the real question must be asked: Whose purpose? In the scheme of EVERYTHING don’t our lives have to fit some master plan? Shouldn’t we find a role to play? Our role? Our pre-destined role? If not a predestined plan, then everything plays out random and random eventually leads to either boredom or torment.

There’s too much rhyme and reason to everything to buy into random. Too many things fit patterns that flow together and make sense. Too many things lead to conclusions. Too many things lead to a Creator. This Creator we all seek, knowingly or unknowingly, has a purpose and plan for each of our lives. Stars don’t collide, people want to love and be loved, we want more than experiences - we want answers. We care about making sense of things. No! random doesn’t make any sense.

I want more than a Great Someone in the Great Somewhere. I want a Great SomeONE who cares about me and wants to live inside me – with me! I want a Great Someone who is greater than me. Some one who can lead me out of this not so great an ending I see happening to everything, to a happily-ever-after in more than just a fairy tale.

I want a Savior, a King, the one true God. God makes more sense than no god. Jesus is far beyond logic. He’s more than a prince charming for the ladies or a super hero for the little boys. He's the reflection of the face of the Creator. The reflection of the One who cared enough to come down here and show us purpose: His purpose. It’s more than that string my Mother told me to pretend was pulling me upward. It’s the rope from the sky that offers me an escape from a broken and confused world.


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