Monday, June 18, 2007

A Royal Flush?

Last night I had a dream. It was of a group of people - all in prison. A secret command has come to all of them in their cells. Most are in cells with small groups of 3, 4 or more. The command is to dig out a place under the cell by getting into the toilet. It is tight, narrow and difficult to get into this small space and be out of sight - even when the enemy looks down into the toilet, the captive people must push themselves into the side of the hollowed out space so they are not seen.

Next scene, after all the people have dug their hiding places out in the deep wall of the toilets suddenly every one is told to run for their lives but to be ready at any point to go down into the nearest toilet, because all the people have prepared the hiding places in their own toilets. So the great escape begins and all the people are running out of what seems to be a huge prison complex.

Without warning the troops are upon them. They must get into hiding NOW or die! One individual won't go into the nearest toilet because it requires more than one to go into a toilet at the same time and they are not familiar with this particular toilet. They freak because it looks too small and they are sure they will suffocate.

I awake. The toilet is clearly a symbol of humility and humbling oneself - REPENTING. The message is clear to me: CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST - HUMBLE YOURSELVES, ONE BY ONE OR ...! Judgment is on the way and will suddenly appear. If you are sticking out in your sins and iniquities you are caught short....

I have a flash back of yesterday... I know what I, personally, must change before God. Its one on ONE time. Pay attention or just pay!

Enough said?


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